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- v 13 231 14 255 15 254 16 97 331 242 330 3 327 1 323 235"ZeroVirus NoFastMem bootblock""Optionally switch off fast memory on bootup."
- 17 42 18 76 20 127 21 255 359 242 358 3 355 1 351 235"ZeroVirus BigScreenTest bootblock""Check for PAL sized screen on bootup."
- 22 67 23 250 24 0 25 24 127 242 126 3 123 1 119 235"ZeroVirus AutoAddRAM bootblock""Add one chunk of non-autoconfig RAM on bootup."
- 12 44 13 121 15 0 17 4 641 73 640 73 639 73 638 32"ZeroVirus Message bootblock""Message on bootup means bootblock has no virus on it."
- 64 3 65 97 66 52 67 60 64 3 65 97 66 52 67 60"LAMER EXTERMINATOR virus"v
- 56 71 188 83 507 100 45 80 56 71 188 83 507 100 45 80"OBELISK virus"v
- 336 102 337 98 338 72 339 231 336 102 337 98 338 72 339 231"HCS virus"v
- 464 131 465 53 466 62 467 240 464 131 465 53 466 62 467 240"ULTRAFOX virus"v
- 4 144 5 42 6 80 7 196 4 144 5 42 6 80 7 196"TIMEBOMB virus"v
- 21 4 27 128 30 249 31 76 21 4 27 128 30 249 31 76"SIGMA Virus Terminator v1.0""Kills SCA, BYTE BANDIT, BYTE WARRIOR and resets vectors."
- 4 78 5 74 6 104 7 230 4 78 5 74 6 104 7 230"CCS-BOOT bootblock""Switches off extra memory and drives."
- 4 109 5 194 6 59 7 210 4 109 5 194 6 59 7 210"CCS-BOOT v3.0""Switches off extra memory and drives."
- 4 167 5 33 6 65 7 185 4 167 5 33 6 65 7 185"NOTSYS bootblock""Switches off extra memory."
- 12 72 20 71 23 223 26 40 12 72 20 71 23 223 26 40"TIP Memory Controller v1.3""Not sure. Prevents viruses, I THINK."
- 17 249 19 223 22 39 29 150 17 249 19 223 22 39 29 150"TIP Memory Allocator v1.3""Optionally turn off fast memory."
- 21 4 27 128 30 249 31 76 21 4 27 128 30 249 31 76"SIGMA Virus Terminator v1.0""Kills SCA, BYTE BANDIT, BYTE WARRIOR and resets vectors."
- 24 67 25 250 33 64 41 117 24 67 25 250 33 64 41 117"AVIREX bootblock""Just an intro bootblock."
- 28 70 32 44 38 67 39 249 28 70 32 44 38 67 39 249"INVISIBLE BRAIN bootblock copier""A 60 second disc copier on a bootblock."
- 37 4 40 19 47 238 52 254 37 4 40 19 47 238 52 254"ChipBoot""Turns off fast memory."
- 35 44 36 44 48 255 49 160 35 44 36 44 48 255 49 160"NORTHSTAR Virus checker""An anti-virus bootblock."
- 68 102 69 236 71 223 72 127 68 102 69 236 71 223 72 127"SYSNOT bootblock""Switches off extra memory and drives."
- 4 100 5 17 6 109 7 236 4 100 5 17 6 109 7 236"BYTE WARRIOR (DASA) virus"v
- 4 118 5 72 6 151 7 60 4 118 5 72 6 151 7 60"PENTAGON CIRCLE virus"v
- 4 65 5 210 6 96 7 40 4 65 5 210 6 96 7 40"BYTE BANDIT virus"v
- 4 44 5 135 6 190 7 222 4 44 5 135 6 190 7 222"REVENGE virus"v
- 8 119 9 60 10 16 11 239 8 119 9 60 10 16 11 239"AEK (SCA strain) virus"v
- 5 70 6 133 7 247 12 97 5 70 6 133 7 247 12 97"GADAFFI virus"v
- 4 178 5 148 6 112 7 131 4 178 5 148 6 112 7 131"ASS virus"v
- 18 78 316 68 24 83 25 116 18 78 316 68 24 83 25 116"NORTH STAR virus"v
- 4 105 5 73 6 148 7 239 4 105 5 73 6 148 7 239"THE BAND Virus Slayer""Suspicious. Why bother? INSTALL it, and use ZeroVirus!"
- 5 126 6 211 7 47 56 68 5 126 6 211 7 47 56 68"SYSNOT bootblock""Switches off extra memory and drives."
- 4 196 5 1 6 11 7 158 4 196 5 1 6 11 7 158"Blizzard Protector 1.0""Who knows? Maybe SCA protection? Better install it anyway."
- 43 57 44 46 45 56 46 55 43 57 44 46 45 56 46 55"BYTE BANDIT virus"v
- 8 251 11 61 76 81 80 70 394 78 684 48 714 48 695 252"WARHAWK virus"v
- 12 65 15 232 16 67 17 248 1023 114 1022 118 1021 98 1020 169"NoVirus v2.00 SCROLL bootblock""Scrolly message on bootup."
- 8 119 9 60 10 16 11 239 8 119 9 60 10 16 11 239"AEK virus"v
- 13 38 14 67 15 250 16 0 1023 110 1022 28 1021 57 1020 65"VKILL virus"v
- 14 127 15 126 16 12 17 110 631 237 629 128 628 63 627 12"SYNISTER SYNDICATE virus"v
- 14 2 15 12 20 32 21 64 530 1 528 255 521 254 515 130"DIETMAR NoVirus bootblock""Message on bootup."
- 925 82 938 111 979 67 615 130 217 231 144 65 161 128 367 117"SCA"v
- 44 0 18 0 9 72 74 224 79 174 51 160 23 60 38 67"SCA Strain"v
- 623 201 680 253 720 255 696 51 154 146 132 69 300 42 313 250"Byte Bandit Strain"v
- 15 1 32 0 36 78 20 67 23 16 26 255 29 64 31 104"FilterBoot""Switches off audio filters on a 500/2000."
- 619 137 762 230 602 4 779 158 163 64 366 123 148 85 151 142"Lamer Exterminator"v
- 129 208 150 5 268 69 139 96 695 80 952 217 649 71 874 104"Lamer Exterminator"v
- 107 252 49 185 240 12 229 88 689 223 612 78 569 60 631 128"Northstar"v
- 100 78 69 121 104 76 80 35 114 213 84 35 88 35 121 130"Overscan Boot""Gives you an overscan workbench screen."
- 528 146 519 201 558 44 535 4 117 58 305 111 366 76 165 174"Pentagon Circle"v
- 4 55 5 252 6 187 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2"SCA Protector""Protects against SCA and some SCA strains."
- 23 36 26 83 29 69 37 192 43 8 49 64 45 200 65 250"A-Max Bootblock""Allows A-Max to use Kickstart ram on an A1000"
- 34 78 46 78 102 51 70 51 84 67 110 51 146 51 58 121"PVL Sound bootblock""Plays sound when booting"
- 413 73 584 115 588 109 568 101 270 110 430 32 512 45 266 97"Tristar Bootblock""Does nothing suspicous, it just contains a message."
- 12 67 38 100 43 105 33 117 27 104 23 10 19 160 16 78"Installed+ Bootblock""Bootblock from Commodore's install which writes garbage to most of block."
- 39 207 249 3 207 73 119 56 82 35 27 223 231 8 102 51"SETROX Loader""A loader/intro bootblock."
- 12 44 13 120 48 0 50 112 21 174 27 128 52 78 30 83"ARP Installed Bootblock""Installed with the ARP install command."
- 234 67 230 65 133 228 179 150 143 14 49 114 182 64 187 154"BootIntro""Displays a message when booting."
- 16 42 20 240 39 176 12 72 30 0 120 103 82 59 106 114"Boot Tune bootblock""plays music when booting."
- 14 1 15 36 32 96 33 2 878 32 877 32 876 33 875 78"SL Virus Free bootblock""displays a message"
- 15 84 36 72 37 231 38 255 959 32 958 32 957 32 956 33"SL Virus Free - No fastmem bootblock.""Turns off fastmem and displays message."
- 291 56 292 34 293 76 294 51 49 200 47 216 42 48 121 88"JITR virus""This disk has a virus on it! INSTALL it immediately!"
- 64 19 65 252 66 0 67 160 1001 68 1002 105 1004 107 1003 115"DISK-DOKTORS virus""This disk has a virus on it! INSTALL it immediately!"
- 50 72 51 231 52 255 53 255 54 44 55 120 56 0 57 4"LAMER EXTERMINATOR II virus""This disk has a virus on it! INSTALL it immediately!"
- 19 136 20 65 21 250 31 60 30 52 29 211 14 255 15 254"LAMER EXTERMINATOR III virus""This disk has a virus on it! INSTALL it immediately!"
- 8 67 9 72 10 87 11 33 8 67 9 72 10 87 11 33"SCA virus""This disk has a virus on it! INSTALL it immediately!"
- 13 231 14 255 16 97 15 254 100 253 102 35 101 216 103 192"ZeroVirus BigScreenTest bootblock 1.1""Check for PAL sized screen on bootup."
- 4 80 5 86 6 76 7 46 4 80 5 86 6 76 7 46"SYSTEM-Z (PVL) Virus protector""This one is suspicious - suggest you install it."
- 4 55 5 252 6 187 7 2 4 55 5 252 6 187 7 2"SCA Protector""Protects against SCA virus. Should be installed."
- 12 32 13 120 15 4 17 104 27 73 28 77 29 69 30 176"A-MAX custom bootblock.""Kickstart enabling bootblock for A-MAX."
- 14 1 15 54 16 112 17 0 1023 89 1022 80 1021 79 1020 67"XCopy NoVirus bootblock""Message on bootup."
- 15 30 23 16 32 66 33 121 35 223 36 241 37 220 41 255"ECS 60HZ BootBlock""Makes NTSC games run full PAL screen with ECS"